Introducing the JubileeTV 6-Button Remote & Enhanced Passive Mode for Dementia

If you care for an older adult-especially one living with dementia-you've likely watched them struggle with modern TV menus, endless channel lists, and a remote control packed with buttons they'll never use.
We get it. That's why we're excited to introduce our new 6-Button Remote. It's a truly simple TV remote that integrates seamlessly with Passive Mode, a newly enhanced usage mode within JubileeTV that removes all interactive features. It's perfect for older adults with dementia and those who need a simple, fuss-free TV experience.
A Simple 6-Button Remote for JubileeTV
For many older adults, especially those with dementia or cognitive challenges, the average TV remote is overwhelming. Buttons are too numerous, too small, and too confusing.
Our new dementia-friendly remote addresses this by featuring just six essential buttons (and they're backlit!):
Volume Up
Volume Down
Channel Up
Channel Down
That's it. No extra buttons. No "Wrong Input" nightmares. No complicated menus. Just the basics so your loved one feels confident operating the TV.
Pressing the Channel Up/Down buttons cycles through a curated list of familiar channels. You decide which channels appear in the rotation-maybe it's just PBS and local news, or a favorite classic sitcom channel. This approach drastically reduces the risk of confusion, getting "lost" on the TV, or watching content that may create agitation.
The 6-Button Remote pairs with your JubileeTV system to seamlessly control your loved one's existing cable/satellite box-no need to overhaul the entire setup. It's all about making the remote and the watching experience simpler, not forcing you to change everything.
Usage Modes to Meet the Needs of All Older Adults
We designed JubileeTV to serve older adults with a wide range of abilities through two distinct usage modes:
1. Interactive Mode For older adults who are more comfortable with technology, our standard Voice Remote provides the full suite of JubileeTV features. In this mode, you can connect up to three source devices, like a cable box, streaming devices, or a DVD player. Your loved one has access to features like outbound video calling, reminders, photo and video sharing, and more.
2. Passive Mode This newly enhanced mode is all about simplifying the TV experience for someone who doesn't-or can't-interact with the TV. In Passive Mode, only one device (a cable or satellite set-top box) is connected, and your loved one can use our new 6-Button Remote or keep using the remote they're already familiar with. When enabled, Passive Mode strips out anything that could confuse or overwhelm your loved one. There are no on-screen menus, pop-ups or interactive prompts. Your family gets full control from the JubileeTV App:
Remotely turn the TV on or off
Change channels and volume
Get AI-powered insights into TV usage patterns, activity, and presence
"Drop in" or initiate AutoConnect Video Calls
This setup is designed to give family caregivers some relief. No more frantic phone calls when the TV is on the wrong input or a button has been pressed accidentally. Passive Mode ensures the TV experience is ready to go with minimal or no input from your loved one.
Two Ways to Use Passive Mode
We originally launched Passive Mode for older adults who struggle to operate a remote or navigate the TV. As a caregiver, you manage their TV experience remotely through the JubileeTV App, from anywhere in the world.
Now we've expanded Passive Mode to offer two distinct approaches:
Keep the Original Remote
If your loved one is comfortable with their old TV and/or cable remote, continue using it.
You still have behind-the-scenes control via The App to adjust volume, change channels, and more, quickly resolving any confusion they might have.
Upgrade to Our 6-Button Remote (Our Newest Addition!)
For those who struggle with even basic remotes, this new remote's minimal buttons reduce anxiety and confusion.
Still connected to the JubileeTV App, so you can step in if needed, put on a show, or ensure they're never stuck on a blank screen.
Both options remove interactive features on the TV screen itself, ensuring your loved one has the simplest possible experience.
Meanwhile, You're Still in Control
As a caregiver, you retain access to key JubileeTV features, but your loved one will never see them or be required to interact with them. Through the JubileeTV App, you can:
Manage the TV Remotely: Turn it on/off, change channels, and tweak volume from anywhere. No frantic calls or late-night drives over to "reset" the TV.
AI-Powered Insights: Get notifications if your loved one is just staring at a blank screen or if something's off in their daily routine.
All the convenience and oversight remain at your fingertips-without burdening your loved one with complicated technology.
Stay Connected with Auto-Connect Video Calls & Drop In
One of the questions we get is how video calls work in Passive Mode when there are no on-screen interactions. We actually offer two features here that are helpful when it comes to staying connected and keeping an eye on your loved one:
1. Auto-Connect Video Calls
If you want to speak face-to-face, you can initiate a video call from the JubileeTV App, and the TV will automatically turn on and display your call.
Your loved one doesn't have to press any buttons to "answer."
They see and hear you on the TV, and you see and hear them for two-way communication.
2. Drop In
A one-way look (and listen) into the room that doesn't require the TV to be on.
Ideal for quick check-ins. You can see and hear how your loved one is doing without disturbing their routine or needing them to press anything.
It's private, discreet, and designed for those moments you just need to be sure they're safe or calm.
In Passive Mode, your loved one will never see a potentially confusing on-screen message or a pop-up requesting permission. Everything is managed entirely from your side.
Why a Simple TV Setup Matters
According to the Alzheimer's Association, over 6 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's disease, and many more are affected by other forms of dementia. As the disease progresses, something as simple as turning on the TV or finding a favorite channel can become confusing or even impossible.
Families spend hours attempting to troubleshoot issues, fix the TV, switch inputs, and put on the right show or channel. These day-to-day tasks can quickly become a significant source of stress and anxiety.
A simple TV setup can help caregivers and people with dementia in many ways:
Minimize Agitation: When the TV works as expected, mood swings and meltdowns often decrease.
Regain Quality Time: You're not playing tech support 24/7; you can actually enjoy moments with your loved one.
Protect Self-Esteem: They're not constantly frustrated or humiliated by their confusion.
Preserve Your Energy: Dementia care is already draining-let's not add endless input mishaps to the list.
A consistent TV routine can be one small-but powerful-way to bring order back into a world of chaos.
Ready for Fewer 911 "TV" Calls?
Our Passive Mode and 6-Button Remote were designed to give you and your loved one a break from the daily TV scramble.
Lock in a safe list of channels.
Prevent accidental input switches.
Manage the TV fully from an app-so you can step outside, run errands, or even sleep without worrying they'll be lost without you.
Because, sometimes, all they want is a comfortable rerun of Seinfeld, Westerns, or Frasier-and all you want is five minutes of peace without someone yelling, "The TV's broken again!"
With JubileeTV, you might finally get that.
Ready to give it a try?