JubileeTV Free Trial

See if you qualify for our 60-day free trial by taking the short quiz below.

How the Free Trial Works

Getting started is easy:


Take the Quiz

Answer a few questions to see if JubileeTV is right for your family.


Pay $10 Shipping

Receive the hardware and start your free trial*.


Relax & enjoy!

If you decide to keep JubileeTV, you'll be charged for the hardware after 60 days.

*JubileeTV Membership is billed separately. Free Trial includes ONE MONTH free Membership.

Have Questions?
We Have Answers.

How does the 60-day free trial work?

Your 60-day trial begins when the JubileeTV system arrives. You pay just $10 upfront. If you decide to keep it, you’ll be charged $189 plus taxes at the end of the trial. If JubileeTV isn’t the right fit, let us know within 60 days and return it to avoid further charges.

What happens if I decide not to keep JubileeTV?

Contact us to initiate a return within the 60-day trial period, and you won’t be charged anything beyond the initial $10. You’ll have an extra 30 days to send it back once you initiate the return.

When does my free month of Membership start?

Your free month of Membership can be activated anytime during the 60-day trial. Just set up your account and start your Membership when you’re ready.

Please note: Membership is billed separately from the hardware free trial.

What happens after my 60-day trial ends?

If you keep JubileeTV, you’ll be charged $189 plus taxes. Your Membership will also begin billing at $29/month or $269/year after your free month, depending on the plan you select.

Do I need to cancel anything if I don’t want to keep JubileeTV?

Yes, you need to initiate a return within the 60-day trial to avoid further charges. Contact us before the trial ends, and you’ll have an additional 30 days to return the system.

How do I start a return?

Just reach out to our support team before your trial ends. We’ll provide a return shipping label and simple instructions to return the JubileeTV system. You won’t be charged beyond the initial $10 payment.

Is there a commitment or contract?

No contracts or long-term commitments. Try JubileeTV risk-free and decide if it’s the right fit.

How do I activate my Membership after the free month?

Your Membership continues automatically after your free month. It will bill monthly ($29) or annually ($269) based on the plan you choose during setup.

Does the $10 I pay upfront go toward my final purchase?

Yes, the $10 upfront payment is non-refundable but is applied toward the final purchase price of the JubileeTV system. If you decide to keep the Hub, you’ll pay $199 plus taxes, minus the $10 you already paid.

What’s included in the 60-day trial?

The JubileeTV Free Trial includes:

  • JubileeTV Hub, which includes the Console with built-in Web Camera and JubileeTV Voice Remote
  • One free month of Membership (activate when you choose) with full access to all JubileeTV features including Telescope app-based TV control, drop in, activity feed, and video calling.
  • The ability to return the system within 60 days for no further charges.
  • A 2-year warranty for peace of mind

Want to Explore Your Options?

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  • 60-Day Free Trial
  • Buy Now
  • Buy Now + All-In Plan
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