Blending Technology & Personalized Care for Senior Independence

The combination of in-person visits and virtual connection are proving to be a powerful alternative to traditional caregiving services.
Blending Technology & Personalized Care for Senior Independence

When Kendra Glass discovered that her mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, she dropped everything to do what any adult would do for an aging parent in need: quickly provide the necessary care to ensure her moms safety and stability.

After relocating to Dallas to be closer to her mom, she soon discovered just how expensive traditional full-time and part-time caregiving services could be. When it came to finding shorter-term, periodic help that could provide a simpler check in service for mom for when she had a quick errand to run, meetings, or simply needing a break, there were none to be found.

Discovering the critical need for someone to simply check in on her mom is how Kendra created Wellness Checks 4U, an innovative business that's reshaping how families can approach senior care and independence.

A New Approach to Senior Care

Unlike traditional home care agencies that require minimum hours and expensive care packages, Wellness Checks 4U offers a simplified service focused on 30-minute, meaningful check-ins that provide a quick and simple way for families to make sure everything is okay when they can't be there themselves. The team focuses on the essentials - ensuring a loved one has food, water, their medication, a safe environment, are in good physical health, and that there are no signs of danger or health issues - all for just $35 per visit.

The service is carefully designed to maintain seniors' dignity and independence. Before starting with a new client, the WC4U team will meet the client and their family to do an assessment, which in turn helps the team to understand each client's specific needs and preferences.

"Every client's situation is different," Kendra shared. "For some, the family will ask if I can just swing by their mom's nursing home and make sure her oxygen tank is working, that she has had her medication, and her bed is not wet… Another client will ask me to bring her loved one his favorite food, In N' Out Burger, while she is on vacation, and to make sure their toilet is not overflowing. Every situation is different."

What makes this approach particularly effective is its simplicity. Sometimes, all that's needed is confirmation that mom or dad's medication has been taken, or that basic needs are being met. In contrast to traditional care agencies, WC4U does not offer professional medical care, house cleaning, extended sitting services or physical help.

"Many families can't afford traditional caregiving services, and there are many others who do not need everything that comes with a full or part time caregiving service," Kendra said.

The Role of Technology in Senior Independence

JubileeTV provides a non-intrusive way for families to stay connected and monitor their loved ones' well-being. Family members can easily check in during their lunch break, share photos, or help their loved one access their favorite shows.

This regular connection helps combat loneliness while maintaining seniors' independence in their own homes. Beyond that, the system's simplicity is particularly valuable for seniors who struggle with complicated remote controls and multiple streaming devices.

The Power of Combined Care: Technology Meets Personal Touch

What's unique about Kendra's approach is how she's combined in-person caregiving from her WC4U team with modern technology to create a more comprehensive care solution.

"When you combine JubileeTV with the actual interaction and capabilities of in-person care like WC4U, together, we're empowering seniors to stay home longer," Kendra shared.

The synergy between technology and in-person visits create a comprehensive support system that, unlike traditional caregiving services, can allow seniors to live at home longer for a fraction of the cost. Family members can use the JubileeTV app to connect virtually with their loved one throughout the day, while the WC4U team provides essential in-person verification of physical well-being when the family needs it.

"JubileeTV lets the family pop in [virtually], talk to them, and get the TV started, but it can't go to the other areas of the home to make sure that they didn't flood the toilet, or check if their pills are still on the table... that's where WC4U come in," Kendra explains.

Together, the combination of in-person visits from Wellness Checks 4U and the virtual connection of JubileeTV are proving to be a powerful alternative to traditional caregiving services. Together, the combination of services offer seniors the independence they desire while providing families with the peace of mind they need.

"Together, we are absolutely allowing people to stay home longer," Kendra said.

Care From Anywhere

Nothing replaces being together, but this replaces feeling apart. 
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